The emphasis put on comprehensive eye exams cannot be understood. No one wants to be left without their vision, so why not keep up with the routine maintenance that can’t take up more than one hour of your time about every six months. A comprehensive eye exam is a thorough check of your ocular health, eye function, and visual acuity. If you’re unfamiliar with what exactly goes on during an eye exam, this article can be a great help not only to understand what happens during these biannual checkups, but it can also help you see why they’re so important.
Procedures Performed by Your Winnipeg Optometrist
Here at Prairie Eye Care, we want to help you with all that is associated with a comprehensive eye exam. In addition to any personal information we might need, in order to get a better feel for your future needs, we will also need the following information received through an eye exam:
ye movement test – In order to test your eyes’ teaming and tracking abilities, we ask you to follow rapidly moving light. Cover test – Functional issues such as amblyopia are tested by first covering one eye and then the other in order to switch focus between eyes quickly.
Slit lamp testing – A slit lamp is a magnifying mechanism with a light attached to it. While you face your optometrist with the slit lamp in the middle, they can examine your pupils, irises, corneas, and other structures of the eye found toward the front.
Visual acuity testing – To find out if your vision corresponds to that of a healthy patient, it includes the familiar eye chart consisting of various numbers or letters.
Refractive testing – If there is a seemingly refractive error found, your optometrist will use a horopter, This refractive test is conducted by switching out different lens combinations until the desired sight is achieved.
Internal eye inspection – By dilating your pupils, a full exam of the inside of the eye and most of the retina can be achieved. Any tumors, damage or retinal diseases would be easily detected. Inspection of the optic nerve along with eye pressure testing helps to identify potential glaucoma.
Schedule an appointment with us today!